
Pets In Need is the only resource of its kind in the entire Greater Cincinnati area. Client co-payments represent less than a third of the clinic’s annual operating revenues. Individual donations, grants and other fundraising make up the difference.

Your gift today will directly help keep pets healthy and together with the people who love them. Know that every dollar makes a difference!

  • $25 will provide flea/tick prevention for a dog or cat for 3 months
  • $50 will provide a vet visit with all core vaccines for a dog or cat
  • $75 will provide a spay/neuter surgery for one dog
  • $100 will provide a dental cleaning for a dog or cat
  • $250 will provide pre-anesthesia bloodwork for 5 dogs or cats

As affirmation of our responsible stewardship of financial resources, Pets In Need of Greater Cincinnati has received a
platinum level recognition from GuideStar. To see our current financials and learn more, please click the Guidestar logo.